

As the operator of this website, we – stegema GmbH – are the body responsible for the processing of personal data from users of this website. Our contact details can be found in the imprint.

The protection of your privacy and of your personal data is very important to us. We collect, store and use your personal data in accordance with the contents of this data privacy notice and the applicable rules and regulations of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the national data protection regulations.

The intention of this data privacy notice is to inform you to which extent and for which purpose personal data in connection with the use of our website is processed.

Personal data

Personal data includes and is defined as information about an identified and identifiable natural person. This includes any information on your identity such as your name, email-address or your postal address. Information, however, which cannot be linked to your identity (such as statistical data regarding the number of users of the website, for instance) are not classified as personal data.

You can generally use our website without having to disclose your identity and without specification of your personal data. At that time, we do only collect general information concerning the visit on our website. Some of the services offered there do, however, require the collection of your personal data, which is than generally processed for the purpose of using our website, especially to provide the desired pieces of information. The collection of personal data only requires the compulsory specification of mandatory data. Other data might be needed beyond that but such data are optional. We will point out in each case if a field is mandatory or if information can be specified voluntarily. Details regarding specific topics will be given in the respective section of this data privacy notice.

There will be no automated decision-making based on your personal data in connection with the use of our website.

Processing of personal data

We store your data on especially protected servers within the European Union. Technical and organizational measures are taken to protect these servers against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons. Only a few persons are authorized to access your data. Such persons take care of technical, commercial or editorial matters concerning our servers. Despite regular check-ups and controls, a 100% protection against all risks is impossible, though.

Your personal data are encrypted before they are sent via the internet. We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology for data transmission.

Circulation of personal data to third parties

We do generally only use your personal data to provide the services you require. As far as external service providers are used for such services, such third parties will also only access your data to provide the required services. Technical and organizational measures will be taken to make sure that rules and regulations regarding data protection are observed and we do also bind our external service providers to do so.

Moreover, we do not pass on the data to any third party without your explicit consent, especially not for advertising or promotion purposes. Your personal data is only circulated if you have agreed with such circulation yourself or as far as we are allowed or committed to do so as a result of legal provisions and/or official or judicial orders. This might particularly include the right to disclosure for the purpose of prosecution, danger defence or enforcement of property rights.

Lawfulness of data processing

Insofar as we seek consent for the processing of your personal data, Article 6, para. 1 lit. a) GDPR shall serve as the lawful basis for data processing.

Insofar as we process your personal data as this is necessary for the performance of a contract or in the framework of a quasi-contract with you, Article 6, para. 1 lit. b) GDPR shall serve as the lawful basis for data processing.

Insofar as we process your personal data as this is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation, Article 6, para. 1 lit. c) GDPR shall serve as the lawful basis for data processing.

Furthermore, Art. 6, para. 1 lit. f) GDPR is considered as a lawful basis for data processing, if processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by our company or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

Within the framework of this data privacy notice, we do always refer to the lawful basis for the processing of your personal data.

Data erasure and maximum storage period

We generally erase or block your personal data whenever the purpose for storage is inapplicable. In addition to that, we might store your data, however, if there are legal regulations we are bound to, for example, regarding statutory retention and documentation obligations. In such case, personal data will be erased or blocked at the end of the respective requirements.

Use of our website

Information about your computer

Whenever you access our website, the following information will be collected about your computer, irrespective of your registration: your computer’s IP-address, your browser’s enquiry as well as the time of such enquiry. Moreover, the status and the amount of data sent within this enquiry will be collected. We also collect information on products and versions concerning the used browser and your computer’s operating system and we also record from which website you have accessed our website. Your computer’s IP-address is only stored for the time of your visit on our website and will be deleted at the end or made anonymous by abbreviation. The other data is stored for a limit period of time.

We use this data to operate our website, especially to find errors and to remove them, to find out about the capacity utilization of our website and to make adjustments or improvements. The aforementioned purposes also constitute the legitimate interests of data processing pursued by our company in compliance with Art. 6, para. 1 lit. f) GDPR, which forms the lawful basis of this processing.

Use of cookies

Just like many other websites, we also use cookies on our website. Cookies are small identifying text files that are saved on your computer and that save certain settings and data in exchange with our website via your browser. A cookie usually contains the name of the domain from which that cookie file was sent as well as information about the age of the cookie and an alpha-numerical identifier.

Cookies allow us to recognize your computer and to make possible pre-settings available to you immediately. Cookies help us to improve our website and to be able to offer you better service perfectly tailored to your personal needs. The aforementioned purpose also constitutes the legitimate interest of data processing pursued by our company in compliance with Art. 6, para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

The cookies we use are also referred to as session cookies, which are automatically erased at the end of the browser session. Cookies with a longer storage time may be used in individual cases so that your pre-settings and preferences can still be considered when you visit our website the next time.

The most browsers are set in a way to accept cookies automatically. You can, however, disable the storage of cookies or set your browser in a way that it notifies you as soon as cookies are sent. It is also possible to erase already stored cookies manually via the browser settings. Please note that you might use our website only to a limited extent or not at all if you decline the storage of cookies or if you erase necessary cookies.

Cookies required for technical reasons

Some cookies are required for technical reasons so that you can use our website. We use these cookies to collect and store the following data:

  • language settings
  • search settings<
  • contents of an online form
  • information to identify or authenticate users

Cookies allow us to recognize your computer and to make possible pre-settings available immediately. Cookies help us to improve our website and to provide better and more user-friendly services to you. The use of cookies is also necessary to make it easier for you to use our website. Some functions can only be offered to you when cookies are used. From this follows our legitimate interest for the lawfulness of data processing with the help of cookies according to Art. 6, para. 1 f) GDPR.

Analysis cookies

Apart from the above, we use cookies – also referred to as analysis cookies – on our website, which allow us to analyse your user behaviour. They help us to collect and store the following data:

  • Frequency of page views
  • Search terms
  • Usage of webpage functions

Your data collected with the help of such cookies are pseudonymized so that it is not possible anymore to allocate the data to the respective user.

We use analysis cookies to improve and optimize the quality of our website and its contents as well as to check and enhance the range and findability of our website. The aforementioned purposes also constitute the legitimate interest pursued by our company regarding the lawfulness of data processing in compliance with Art. 6, para. 1 f) GDPR.

We use the following programmes to analyse the user behaviour for the above-mentioned purposes. Such programmes use cookies as well on their part, as explained earlier.


Matomo (formerly Piwik) is the free and open source web analytics software application we use for the statistical analysis of our website. The data collected with the help of Matomo are stored in a database for user analysis purposes, which helps us to optimize our website. This is the legitimate interest in data processing pursued by our company according to Art. 6, para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. The data, collected by the software include the shortened IP-addresses, time, called up website, the website from which you have come to our page (“referrer”), the browser used, the time spent on our website and the frequency of page views.

The analyses generated with the help of Matomo are completely anonymized and cannot be used to identify individual persons. There is no link of data stored by Matomo with other data sources and your data will not be circulated to any third party.

How to contact us

There are many different ways to contact us. One of them is the contact form on our website.

Your rights and contact

We attach great importance to explain the processing of your personal data as clear as possible and also to inform you about the rights you are entitled to in this regard. If you need further information or if you would like to exercise any rights you are entitled to, please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can take care of your request.

Rights of affected individuals

You have a large number of rights concerning the processing of your personal data. First of all, you have a substantial right of access and are thus entitled to request the rectification and/or erasure or blocking of your personal data. You can also request a restriction of processing and have the right to object. With regards to the personal data you sent us, you also have the right to data portability.

If you wish to exercise one of your rights and/or would like to receive further information about your rights, please contact our customer service. Alternatively, you can also contact our Data Protection Officer.

Withdrawal of consent and objection

You have the right to withdraw a given consent at any time with effect for the future. A withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing carried out by reason of consent until the date of objection. Please contact our customer service and/or our Data Protection Officer.

If the processing of your personal data is not based on your consent but on another legal basis, you are entitled to veto this data processing. Your veto results in an inspection and termination of data processing, if applicable. You will be notified of the result of the inspection and – if data processing should still be continued – you will receive further information from our side concerning why data processing is legal.


If you feel that our processing of your personal data is not in compliance with this data privacy notice or with the applicable provisions on data protection you can send a complaint to our Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer will check your matter and notify you of the result. Apart from that, you are also entitled to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Further information and amendments

Links to other websites

Our website might contain links to other websites. Such links are usually marked as such. We have no influence on how far the applicable provisions on data protection are observed. We therefore recommend to read up on the respective data privacy notices of the other websites as well.

Amendments to this data privacy notice

The status of this data privacy notice is indicated by the date (see below). We reserve the right to amend this data privacy notice at any time to take effect in the future. Amendments will especially be made in case of technical modifications of the website or if the provisions concerning data protection change. The applicable current version of the data privacy notice is generally available on our website. We recommend to inform about amendments regarding this data protection notice in regular intervals.

Status of this data privacy notice: May 2018